"Finally My Life Has Changed"

That big moment you are waiting for...

That big moment you are waiting for? To think to yourself and feel that, “Finally my life has changed”. You need to stop that.

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Now, let’s dive in!

I spent the first 20 years of my life waiting for the moment when I could make sense of everything that had happened, and I would finally be the high achiever, the star child, that person people would just look at and think, ‘Wow she is successful’.

The funny thing is I don’t know what gave me the hope to imagine all of that while sitting in my bed and feeling sorry for myself- being confused about life and just everything in general.

I started by just starting. I woke up one morning and decided to do sun salutations, picked up a book, and forced myself to finish it.

Started playing around on LinkedIn, I had no connections, no professional photo, no skill set—nothing. I added my dad and one of my friends as my first connections.

You know how people say there is no such thing as “overnight success”? It is true.

Overnight success❌

Compounded results ✅

People also say “I had a sudden thought”— Go back a couple of lines before when I said, “I woke up one morning and decided to"… That might have been a ‘sudden thought’, but the truth is, I spent days just hating the life I was living.

By the way, did you watch my latest YouTube video? Check it out here!

Compounded disappointment in myself that prompted that thought. Compounded efforts over the years that led to some self-validation and the ability to believe in myself.

There is no such thing as “One day I will wake up and figure it out” or “One day something good will happen to me and then I will be happy”. That one day is accumulated days pushing you to make a decision.

I am once again in the phase of my life where I am totally fed up with some actions I am not taking. Days of disappointment which is pushing me to make some serious changes.

So, whatever you believe will make you happy someday—trust me, the days you’re living right now matter just as much.

Even if you get to that supposed one day, you will continue looking for the next ‘one day’ when you may hope to feel something else.

Happy Sunday!

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Until Thursday,

Anusha Kannan


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Quote of the week: "The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine." 

Mike Murdock


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