Elevare Gazette: Thursday Issue 🔔

Series on AI in Marketing. Vol #2.

Today's Focus: AI in Marketing (A Series) # VOL.2

Hey everyone! We're running a bit behind schedule today because I drafted and forgot to schedule. Oops! Thanks for your patience 😊

Welcome back to our series on ✨AI in Marketing✨. This week, we're diving into how AI improves customer experience through personalization.

Personalization at Scale

AI allows marketers to deliver personalized experiences at scale. By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI can identify patterns and preferences that help tailor content and interactions to individual customers.

Here's how:

1/ Personalized Recommendations

AI algorithms analyze customer behavior and preferences to provide personalized product recommendations. This approach increases engagement and drives sales. Think of how Netflix suggests shows or Amazon recommends products based on your browsing history.

From experience building product affinity models as an analyst, I can tell you this makes everything 100 x better.

2/ AI-Powered Customer Support

We talked about this in our last edition as well- Chatbots and virtual assistants are becoming essential in providing instant, 24/7 customer support. These AI-driven tools can handle common inquiries, troubleshoot, and escalate issues to human agents when necessary. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also frees up human resources for more complex tasks.

I am currently working on building chatbots for my website so everyone can find what they want instead of waiting for me to get back to them during business hours. I even built one for Suffolk University’s Ram Card Page during my time at Suffolk (check it out here)

3/ Predictive Analytics

AI uses predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and behaviors. By analyzing past interactions and purchase history— AI can predict what products or services a customer might be interested in next, enabling proactive marketing strategies!

🔮We can predict anything ~ we are wizards🔮— attempt at a joke, anyways…

Some famous examples


Starbucks uses AI to provide personalized marketing messages to its customers. By analyzing data from their loyalty program, they send tailored offers and recommendations, increasing customer engagement and loyalty.


Nike leverages AI to transform product design, customer experience, and operational efficiency:

  • Nike Fit: Uses computer vision, machine learning, and augmented reality to scan customers' feet via smartphone, providing precise shoe size recommendations. This technology reduces return rates and enhances customer satisfaction.

    I love this because I am tired of loving a shoe only to exchange it. And I currently live in a place where there are no Nike stores nearby 💁‍♀️

  • Personalized Customer Experience: Nike utilizes AI to analyze consumer data, enabling personalized product recommendations and customized shopping experiences. Their AI-driven Nike Direct strategy focuses on direct-to-consumer sales, optimizing inventory, and enhancing global marketing efforts.

  • Generative AI for Product Design: Nike employs generative AI models to create customized products, leveraging athlete data to enhance product innovation and prototyping speed.

AI in customer experience is a huge bonus as it helps us understand customers even when we’re asleep. It also helps companies build trust, make customers' lives easier, and drive loyalty.

Stay tuned for the next Thursday article, where we'll explore AI in content creation and curation (my favorite!!)

How are you using AI? Share your thoughts by replying to this email!

 Until Sunday,

Anusha Kannan

I am on TikTok now!!


Had a fun chat with @Northeastern’s social media class and I realized how we often say “reach out to people more” but there is this though... See more

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Quote #2 of the week: AI is the future of customer experience, enabling businesses to offer personalized interactions that build loyalty and drive growth.

Anusha Ramesh Kannan


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