đź”” Elevare Gazette: Sunday Issue

How To Make The Right Choice.

Today's Focus: How To Make The Right Choice.

In the world we live in right now, we have so many options for everything—from what we eat to whom we end up marrying. It's a lot to process, and sometimes it feels overwhelming. The truth is, we're not naturally built to handle this many choices, but we can evolve and learn strategies to navigate this complex situation.

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One common issue we face is paralysis by analysis. With so many options and factors to consider, we often get stuck in the decision-making process, overthinking each possibility until we're unable to make any decision at all. This can lead to missed opportunities and a feeling of being stuck.

One simple trick I've learned is to choose the option that brings me discomfort in the short term. This might sound counterintuitive, but often, the path of least resistance is not the one that leads to growth and fulfillment.

For example, let's say you're trying to decide whether to stay in a job you're comfortable with or take on a new role that challenges you. The new role might feel intimidating and push you out of your comfort zone, but this short-term discomfort can lead to long-term growth, new skills, and greater satisfaction. On the other hand, staying in your current position might feel easier now, but it could lead to stagnation and missed opportunities in the future.

Another example could be choosing to have a difficult conversation with a loved one. Addressing issues and being open about your feelings can be uncomfortable and stressful in the moment. However, this short-term discomfort can lead to stronger, healthier relationships and a deeper understanding of each other in the long run.

In essence, when faced with a decision, consider the option that might be more challenging in the immediate future but holds the promise of greater benefits down the line. This approach helps ensure that you're not just taking the easy way out but making choices that contribute to your personal and professional growth.

I think it’s important to remember that growth often comes from discomfort, and by becoming comfortable with this, you can make decisions that truly align with your goals and values.

Keep making choices that push you toward the best version of yourself :)

Until Thursday,

Anusha Kannan

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Quote of the week: "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

Neale Donald Walsch, American Author


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