3 Things. 3 Intentions. 3 Goals.

What’s truly essential for me to complete before 2025?

This morning I noticed a few 2025 goal-setting videos, which woke me up. We are almost done with 2024. Take a second to reflect on where you started and where you want to be. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t set many goals this year, but I had a few intentions that still feel a bit unfinished. I am adamant about wanting to end this year on a high note. Here’s what we can do…

Before we dive in,

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Now, let’s dive in!

Let’s just focus on 3 things. 3 intentions. 3 goals.

Ask yourself: What’s truly essential for me to complete before 2025?

  1. Refine Your Goals/Intentions, Don’t Add More

    Let’s not make the mistake of overwhelming ourselves by adding 10 things. Let’s keep it as 1 goal per month. This will help you create room for true progress rather than just busyness and stress.

Ask yourself: Where can I show up more consistently, even if not perfect?

  1. Consistency > Perfection

    What’s a small daily action you can do? Go to the gym? Just stay silent for 20 minutes? Just read one book per month? Let’s focus on just doing it rather than how we are doing it.

Ask yourself: What can I let go of that no longer serves me?

Speaking of which, this episode might help you

  1. Decutter, Reflect, Recalibrate

    What have you learned about yourself? Your strengths, weaknesses, and evolving vision? Sometimes, we get in our way simply by sticking too rigidly to old plans. Allow yourself to realign.

Stop Getting In Your Own Way

Most of the time it’s just our thoughts and beliefs. It’s internal. Notice the patterns to fix it.

Just answer these: Are you self-sabotaging through procrastination? Are you overthinking every decision?

Challenge yourself: What small change can I make to overcome one of these internal roadblocks today?

We’ve got a Sunday to work on this, let’s focus! :)

Happy Sunday!

Also, do you like receiving topics like this on Sundays? Let me know!

Until Thursday,

Anusha Kannan

THIS WEEK ON The Pivot to Balance Podcast

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Quote of the week: "The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment." 

Tony Robbins


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